Collaborate with RMIT

Give back to RMIT and inspire the next generation of leaders and industry professionals

Collaboration opportunities

From delivering online guest lectures and mentoring through to providing online student projects and taking on virtual interns, you can help to create transformative experiences for RMIT students in Australia and Vietnam while accessing student talent, developing your coaching and leadership skills, and growing your professional networks. And if time is short, you can support students by making a gift to scholarships.

Provide an online industry project

Take advantage of unique viewpoints and new ideas by inviting RMIT students to collaborate on an online project. You can access top student talent, as well as world-class facilities to help solve business problems, explore new opportunities or deliver social impact.

Online projects come at no cost to your organisation and our students can deliver a diverse range of outcomes, such as solving a business challenge, working on a process review or improvement, developing an app or other tech solution or preparing a business plan or campaign – and more!

How does it work?

  1. We connect with you an RMIT course coordinator seeking online projects for students. Through an online meeting, you’ll gain an understanding of key information about the course and the student profile – ensuring that both your business needs and those of the course are met.
  2. Students will get to work on your project – organised in small groups and meeting with you online at regular, pre-determined intervals.
  3. The deliverable will be presented at the end of the semester.

Consult current online industry project opportunities.

Interested in providing an online project?

Deliver an online industry guest lecture

Promote your business and share your ideas and expertise in an online guest lecture for students. Connect with future talent and academic experts while providing real-word insights and inspiration for the next generation of professionals.

The format can be anything from a 15 minute Q&A with students (facilitated by the course coordinator) through to a 30 minute presentation, pre-recorded or live.

How does it work?

  1. We connect you with an RMIT course coordinator in your field to discuss the course content and how can you contribute through your industry expertise. During this online meeting, we’ll also agree on the format, timing and date of the guest lecture.
  2. You provide the guest lecture as per the agreed timeline.
  3. You’ll connect with RMIT students and academics while complementing RMIT curriculum with your perspectives.

Interested in providing an online lecture?

Take on a virtual intern

Virtual internships offer cost effective and flexible resourcing to support your business goals, as well as direct access to the next generation of workers. It also provides you with a unique opportunity for professional development through mentoring and guiding a student.

RMIT encourages partner organisations to pay students an award wage, however it’s at a host's discretion if they would like to provide payments to students – advice is available from RMIT.

How does it work?

  1. We connect with you an RMIT course coordinator seeking internships for students. Through an online meeting, you’ll gain an understanding of key information about the internship – ensuring that both your business needs and the student learning goals are met.
  2. Once you decide to host an intern virtually, the process begins. Our team and the course coordinator will circulate your notice to students. Students then apply directly to you, and you carry out your own selection process.
  3. Your organisation, the student and RMIT will sign a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Agreement before any virtual internship begins. Your nominated workplace supervisor will orientate the student, provide ongoing performance feedback and liaise with the student’s course coordinator at RMIT if required.

Consult current virtual intern opportunities.

Interested in providing a virtual internship?

Be an online mentor

Share your experience and industry knowledge with current RMIT students, by being a mentor in one of RMIT's mentoring programs.

Students are encouraged to initiate mentoring connections, and may reach out to you for mentoring, career advice or even with a question. They may be drawn to your industry or organisation, or perhaps your skills or interests. Being available to offer advice, answer questions, or industry insights are several ways you can help current RMIT students succeed in their future careers.

How does it work?

  1. RMIT offer a range of mentoring options to suit your needs – from individual mentoring to small groups.
  2. Visit RMIT Mentoring to find the right program for you.
Interested in online mentoring?

Support student scholarships

Overseas travel can be life-changing for students, giving them new perspectives on their own country and enabling them to engage deeply with other cultures – but the cost can prevent many students from having this transformational experience.

By making a gift to the RMIT Europe Travel Scholarship Fund, you can help students without the financial means to study or work abroad spend time in the UK, Germany, Spain or France. 

How does it work?

  1. Visit RMIT Giving to learn about the impact of scholarships and the different ways in which you can support disadvantaged students, or
  2. Give directly to the RMIT Europe Travel Scholarship Fund

Interested in supporting students through scholarships?

Hand reaching for a virtual network of people

Have another idea?

Contact us directly to discuss other collaboration options.